Special Measures Agreement Wiki

A Special Measures Agreement (SMA) is an agreement signed between a public sector organization and government regulators to outline the steps that will be taken to improve the performance of an organization. SMAs are typically used to address areas of concern such as poor financial management, inadequate service delivery, or a lack of governance.

The term SMA is commonly used in the United Kingdom, where it is utilized primarily in the healthcare sector. However, SMAs are also used in other sectors, including education and social care.

If you are looking for more information on SMAs, one great resource is the Special Measures Agreement Wiki. The wiki provides a comprehensive overview of SMAs, including their history, purpose, and key features.

The wiki includes a variety of useful information, including:

– An overview of SMAs and their purpose

– A detailed explanation of how SMAs work

– A discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of SMAs

– Examples of SMAs in different sectors

– Resources for organizations that may be considering an SMA

The Special Measures Agreement Wiki is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about SMAs. Whether you are a healthcare professional, government regulator, or simply curious about how public sector organizations are held accountable, this wiki has something for you.

In conclusion, Special Measures Agreements are an important tool for improving the performance of public sector organizations. If you are interested in learning more about SMAs, the Special Measures Agreement Wiki is a great place to start. With its comprehensive coverage and user-friendly format, the wiki is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to understand this important topic.

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